Friday 14 October 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011

Amla - Phyllanthus emblica

Very small leaves with pointy apex. The tree is flowing in Talkatora Garden

Saturday 24 September 2011

Chalta -Dillenia indica

This large leaved (35cm) -pointy tip with toothed margin,was snapped t Talkora Garden, Delhi.There is a goove of 4-5 plants.
You can spot many a beautiful trees in Talkatora Garden adjoining Delhi Ridge --- Tun,amla,kaim,imli,amaltas,paras peeple,papadi etc

Monday 19 September 2011

Horizontal Tree

This Sheesham tree is somehow growing horizontally opposite cafetaria in Parking complex of Rajghat,Delhi

Saturday 17 September 2011


Saw this hidden Beauty today morning planted in front of a House in Anand Vihar.Picked up its Leaf from whorl for identification .The Leaf is Peepal like,pointed tip,serrated margins,hairy feel on dorsum and light colored underneath.

Monday 12 September 2011

Humayun's Tomb Delhi

Humayun's Tomb in Delhi has some of the oldest trees especially near the back wall.One of the Amla tree is in pic.
You can see Black Bean Tree,Budha Coconut,Palms,Figs,Anar,Chandani,Citrus,amalta,neem,champa ,amaltas etc

Mimosops elengi -Maulsari

A maulshree tree laden with red berry like fruit in Yamuna Sports complex near swimming pool.

Paulownia tomentosa -Empress Tree

The tree is located in Yamuna Sports complex,East Delhi in track towards Vivek Vihar. The Leaf is Heart shaped with upright cluster of buds.I had seen this tree in Gurgaon too.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Mahoe -Hibiscus tiliaceus

Location: Delhi University

Sterculia urens - Indian-tragacanth

Location : Lucknow University

Unknown --- snapped in Chandigarh

Neolamarckia cadamba - Kadamb

Photographed in Chadigarh

Sterculia foetida - Wild Almond

Campus of Lucknow University

Bauhinia Flower

Photographed at one of the backside gardens in Sector 43,Chandigarh.
Chandigarh seems to be a Heaven for Trees.

Ficus microcarpa - Laurel Fig

Photographed at B Block Market,Yojana Vihar,Delhi. There are three huge trees in row.
The Leaves are appx 8cm,glossy,oval & thick.
No figs presently seen.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Haldina cordifolia - Haldu

Heart Shaped Leaf with Kaim/Kadamb like flower.

Camphor Laurel

Ficus racemosa - Goolar

Terminilia bellirica -Baheda

Chukrasia tabularis - Chikrassy

Photographed in Chandigarh .The city has lot of avenues of Chikrassy
If you are in Delhi... See four tress IN A ROW in AIIMS in front of its Library

Suregada multifora - Ban Naranga

Artucarpus lacucha-Badhal

Wrightia tinctoria - Dhoodhi

Fruit hangs down like out sized ear rings

Pterygota alata-Buddha' Coconut

Large Leaves with Heart shaped Base.Woody Fruit.

Tamarindus indica - Imli (Flower)

Photographed in Lucknow Botanical Garden.Note Yellow Petals with delicate red viens and Pink Buds.

Friday 9 September 2011

Indian Tulip Tree -- Thespesia populnea

Found this tree Near Anand Vihar Railway station in cluster of acacias and other plants.The Leaves are Peepal like.This tree is a common sight in Mumbai seaside with yellow flower and flattened fruit.Yet to see its bloom in Delhi.